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The three of us are out on our bikes more and more often. Not on normal bikes, but on our racing bikes. Dear daughter has ‘cycling genes’ and loves it just as much as we do!

The heath is also less than 5 minutes away on bike! It is lovely to be able to have such an amazing bit nature so close-by and enjoy a great picnic outside. And with the great weather we are having, it is even better!

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We had the craziest afternoon at Beauty and the Beast in the Circus Theatre in Scheveningen.

Dear daughter has been taking musical lessons for 4 years, and she absolutely loves it! The outing was organised by her musical class, and I can highly recommend it! We had a great afternoon.

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I went to see my old granny for coffee… and spent the entire afternoon catching up with my mother and sister!

I made a few more coloured flags for the workshop ‘Crochet on the beach’, in my swanky new dress by Hippest Fashion.

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Friday and Saturday
Me and my sister spent the night in Zwolle, because we had to be in Meppel at 10AM the next morning, to follow a workshop.

It had been arranged for months… On June 4, we were going to learn how to knit ‘fair isle’ (and continental knitting on circular needles) at the Haakgarage in Meppel.

We had the best day ever! It is always great to meet fellow ‘Instagrammers’, most of whom crochet, and learn a different technique. I have wanted to learn how to knit fair isle for a while. I can knit a bit, but hadn’t really mastered this technique. And of course, it takes a while before you get it… You have to make good mileage!

But that won’t be a problem, because it is so much fun to do.

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We started with a swatch…

And then got to work on a ‘real’ project. At home, I ripped it three times, because I wasn’t happy with it… After attempt 3 it looked like this:

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I started on my knitting marathon.. Who knows, I might be on my way to … KNITTING HAPPINESS!

Other fun blog posts:

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